IEG4's Product Director Matt Culpin shares insight on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than just futuristic robots & complex algorithms; it's a powerful tool, from navigation apps to predictive text, that is seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. The same technology is also revolutionising local government operations and service delivery. Read his blog to discover more...
Matt Culpin
Recent Posts
Embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Local Government
Topics: automation, Innovation, Customer, Implementation, AI
Championing Local Well-Being: How we can create a blueprint for Social Prescribing
"In 2019 Social Prescribing was included in the NHS Long Term Plan...By integrating technology into social prescribing initiatives, organisations can enhance accessibility, improve communication and provide more efficient support to individuals seeking to improve their overall wellbeing..." discusses Matt Culpin, IEG4's Product Director
Topics: Health & Social care, citizenaccess, Social Prescribing
`It's becoming a common theme that citizens have ‘Amazon-esque’ expectations when dealing with local government and that a 'golden record' - the thread of a citizen's data through multiple supplier's databases is what Councils are wanting to achieve...' discusses Matt Culpin, IEG4's Product Director
Topics: digital local government, citizenaccess, CMS, API Framework, golden record