IEG4 Insights

Revolutionising Integrated Care Systems: The Impact of Digitising the Continuing Healthcare Process

Embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Local Government

From Whiteboards to Cloud-Based Solutions: A Project Manager's Journey Through 25 Years in Public Sector IT

Bridging the Digital Divide: Strategies for Encouraging Digital Inclusion

Delivering sustainable services, reducing carbon footprint and improving Customer experience:  An update on Southwark's digital journey

Championing Local Well-Being: How we can create a blueprint for Social Prescribing

The right investment: How to efficiently implement Continuing Healthcare

Understanding NPS Impact in the Public Sector: A Guide for Customers and Stakeholders

How Scottish Councils can protect public services in the face of economic challenges.

Parhau ar Brawf Iechyd Cymru yn ystod 2024: Y Materion Allweddol

Digitising Continuing Health Care in Wales during 2024: The key issues

The Right CRM: Transforming Public Service Delivery

Enabling families to have their voice during the Continuing Care Process

Digitising CHC is the fuel for ICS's change engine

Improving the Citizen experience on your Website

Right To Buy - Complexity made simple with digital transformation

Messaging Dinosaurs...

Public Services of the Future - What will they look like for Citizens?

Collaboration - How We Promote Collaboration and Drive Innovation

Catalysts for Change: New Technologies Transforming Public Services

A Citizen-First Approach to the Blue Badge Service

A New Normal - Supporting Public Services in a Post-COVID World

Design Matters - Mobile

Keeping the Lockdown Concessionary Travel Application Process Moving

Platforms and Potholes

DEVS, Digital Engines and the new normal in public sector digital

Assets, Aggregation and No Code Data Visualisation

Businesses Matter (Business Rates/Commercial Waste/Licensing)

Data Driven Services - Data Driven Places

Increased Dignity Through Digital Processes

Stopping Duplicate Tasks & Increasing Citizen Engagement

They Ask, You Answer - Using an Outcome-Based Approach

Is your customer ready to adopt innovation?

Proactive Prevention - Personalisation Through Assessment

Blue Badge Administration - Improving processes with an integrated digital service

Taking Service Directories Mainstream

Keeping Customers in the Loop

Opening doors and unlocking the potential of better customer service

Because Councils are Different: Blue Badge Flexible Workflow & No Code

Prevention, Orchestration, Automation

Blue Badge Administration - Bespoke Solutions from Standard Software

Closing the digital loop

Measuring the success of digital services in local government

Six ways to build a successful customer self-service strategy

Digitising continuing healthcare from hospital to home

Integrating online forms through a common core

Think Differently - Preventing fraud and increasing automation

Think Differently - Creating a Next Gen Blue Badge Service

Digital Backbone of ongoing transformation

Making Innovation Possible

Council in a Box

Think Differently - Location, Location, Location

Part 2: Is social care broken? Will place based help?

Politics, people and perfectionism stifling place-based care

Councils & Digital 3.0

Insights. Information. Innovation.

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